뇌신경-혈관 질환 병리 기전 연구팀
서상원 (M.D., Ph.D.)
한림대학교 의과대학 생리학교실
연구내용(Research Keyword)
Epilepsy, Global Cerebral Ischemia(GCI), Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI), Multiple Sclerosis(MS), Role of Zinc
The role of zinc in selective neuronal death following transient global cerebral ischemia/1996/Science/ 공동저자 / IF : 56.9
Hypoglycemia induces transient neurogenesis and subsequent progenitor cell loss in the rat hippocampus/2005/Diabetes/ 제 1저자 / IF : 7.7
Neuronal glutathione deficiency and age-dependent neurodegeneration in the EAAC1 deficient mouse/2005/Nature Neuroscience/ 공동저자 / IF : 25
Hypoglycemic neuronal death is triggered by glucose reperfusion and activation of neuronal NADPH oxidase/2007/Journal of Clinical Investigation/ 제 1저자 / IF : 15.9
Glucose and NADPH oxidase drive neuronal superoxide formation in stroke/2008/Annals of Neurology/ 제 1저자 / IF : 11.2
Alcohol dependence treating agent, acamprosate, prevents traumatic brain injury-induced neuron death through vesicular zinc depletion/2019/Translational Research/ 교신저자 / IF : 7.8
The Role of Zinc in Axon Formation via the mTORC1 Pathway/2022/Molecular Neurobiology
/ 교신저자 / IF : 5.1
그 외 133개 논문 게재