뇌신경-혈관 질환 병리 기전 연구팀
한림대학교 의과대학 생리학교실
연구내용(Research Keyword)
Parkinson's disease ,Alzheimer's disease ,Organ crosstalk, Gut-Brain axis ,Vagus nerve , Neurotransmitters , Protein aggregation,Neuroprotection ,Molecular mechanism, Protein drug development ,Diagnosis kit development
Development of an a-synuclein positron emission tomography tracer for imaging synucleinopathies/2023/Cell/ 공동저자 / IF : 66.85
Helicobacter hepaticus augmentation triggers dopaminergic degeneration and motor disorders in mice with Parkinson's diseasee/2022/Molecular Psychiatry/ 제 1저자 / IF : 15.992
Netrin-1 amd its receptor DCC modulate survival and death of dopamine neurons and Parkinson’s disease features/2021/ The EMBO Journal / 제 1저자 / IF : 11.6
Initiation of Parkinson's disease from gut to brain by δ-secretase /2020/Cell Research / 제 1저자 / IF : 25.617
GAP-43 closely interacts with BDNF in hippocampal neurons and is associated with Alzheimer's disease progression/2023/Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience/ 교신저자 / IF : 6.26
그 외 43개 논문 게재