뇌신경-혈관 질환 유전자 기능 연구팀
한림대학교 의과대학 생화학교실
연구내용(Research Keyword)
ATAD5, PCNA, regulatory mechanism, genome stability, UAF1,ID1
ATAD5 restricts R-loop formation through PCNA unloading and RNA helicase maintenance at the replication fork. Nucleic Acids Research/2020/Nucleic Acids Research/ 교신저자 / IF : 14.9
Eukaryotic clamp loaders and unloaders in the maintenance of genome stability/2020/experimental & molecular med/ 교신저자 / IF : 12.8
Timely termination of repair DNA synthesis by ATAD5 is important in oxidative DNA damage-induced single-strand break repair/2021/Nucleic Acids Research/ 교신저자 /
IF : 14.9
Short-range end resection requires ATAD5-mediated PCNA unloading for faithful homologous recombination/2023/Nucleic Acids Research/ 교신저자 / IF : 14.9
Characterization of subcellular localization of eukaryotic clamp loader/unloader and its regulatory mechanism/2021/Scientific Reports/ 교신저자 / IF : 4.6
ATAD5 Suppresses Centrosome Over-Duplication by Regulating UAF1 and ID1/2020/Cell cycle/ 교신저자 / IF : 4.3
ATAD5 promotes replication restart by regulating RAD51 and PCNA in response to replication stress/2019/Nature Communications/ 교신저자 / IF : 16.6