데이터 융합 뇌혈관 질환 연구팀
한림대학교성심병원 신경과
연구내용(Research Keyword)
Epidemiology of vascular cognitive impairments, Post-stroke dementia, Outcome researches in stroke cohort, Registry-based clinical researches in stroke
White matter hyperintensity load on stroke recurrence and mortality at 1 year after ischemic stroke/2019.08/Neurology/ 공동저자 / IF : 10.1
Effect of Heart Rate on Stroke Recurrence and Mortality in Acute Ischemic Stroke With Atrial Fibrillation/2020.01/Stroke/ 공동저자 / IF : 8.4
Golden Hour Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Changing Pattern in South Korea/2021.01/Journal of Stroke/ 공동저자 / IF : 8.2
Strategic infarct locations for post-stroke cognitive impairment: a pooled analysis of individual patient data from 12 acute 415ischaemic stroke cohorts /2021.06/Lancet Neurology/ 공동저자 / IF : 48
Network analysis of neuropsychiatric, cognitive, and functional complications of stroke: implications for novel treatment targets/2023.12/PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES/ 공동저자/ IF : 11.9
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